Why visitors should enjoy to Puta-O ice-capped mountains for their climbing tours in this dry season?

TRAVEL agencies are ready to provide the best climbing tours to ice-capped mountains this dry season, according to Puta-O Travel Agency. Visitors can get to Puta-O from Yangon by a three-hour flight, and travel agencies in Myitkyina and Puta-O townships arrange tours to Kaunghmulon Pagoda, Mid-water Natkyun Pagoda and rocky plaque in the Malikha River, traditional culture and local food of ethnic people, Myoma morning market and Garhtu market. “The tours being in open season. Although there are no visitors to Indawgyi Lake due to certain regional conditions, the trips to Myitkyina and Puta-O snowdraped mountains start. Four travel agencies in Puta-O arrange glacier-topped mountain trips. Travel agencies arrange a 10-day trip to Mount Phonkanrazi for beginners and a 12-day trip to Mount Phonyinrazi. Moreover, they prepare dry rations and gather luggage carriers and guides for trips in advance. People can enjoy the beauty and experience of scaling snowcapped mountains from November to April.

