Let’s strive to build a peaceful and prosperous Union through the Union spirit



Let’s strive to build a peaceful and prosperous Union through the Union spirit


Looking at the current situation in the country, it can be seen that due to the actions of certain ethnic armed organizations and terrorist groups, local communities in some areas are deprived of security and peace, facing numerous hardships and suffering.
The various hardships and suffering faced by local ethnic people are not theirs alone but are the shared struggles of all the people living together in the Union, as national brethren born on the same land. Just as in a family, when one sibling faces hardship, the other siblings also feel sorrow and distress, sharing the burden of grief and pain.

Regretful emotion
Due to various domestic and international influences, as well as the malicious and destructive schemes originating from abroad, we should recognize the fact that the devastating situations affecting both sides often involve our fellow citizens. Even now, due to misunderstandings, misguided beliefs, and incitement, Myanmar citizens have been engaging in conflicts, killing, and destruction among themselves. As a result, hundreds of thousands of Myanmar citizens have died, gone missing, suffered injuries, or endured immense hardship. This is a deeply saddening reality for all of us as fellow citizens and members of the same national family.
Since Myanmar gained independence in 1948 until the present day, it is possible to estimate the number of people across the country who have lost their lives or been injured due to various armed conflicts. These conflicts have resulted in the loss of countless lives and the destruction of countless bodies of the nation’s citizens. The lives of families affected, as well as significant human resources, have been lost, which constitutes a great loss to the nation. This is a tragedy that deeply saddens all citizens. Therefore, it is time to cease all armed conflicts.

Initiate unity
Due to internal and external influences, actions that lack careful consideration and harm the nation and its people, along with armed conflicts, have caused significant damage and losses. A large majority of those affected are young individuals between the ages of 18 and 30. We would like to draw the public’s attention to this issue. Therefore, it is essential to reflect deeply on activities that incite conflict, create divisions, or promote hatred among one another. Instead, we should cultivate empathy, compassion, and unity among all national brethren, ensuring the youth are not wasted or lost to such conflicts. Let us nurture and develop a generation of strong, capable young people who contribute to building a modern, prosperous, and peaceful Union with unity and harmony.
In recent periods, various insurgent groups have carried out violent attacks, resulting in significant damage to towns and villages. Armed terrorists residing within states and regions are engaging in actions that destroy their communities. The residents of these regions must take responsibility for the development and stability of their areas. It is essential for the local population to proactively prevent and safeguard against actions that aim to disrupt development and undermine peace and stability in their regions. The terror attacks carried out by local ethnic groups demonstrate a lack of national spirit and misguided ideologies. These actions reflect political immaturity and betrayal of their birthplace and people.

Lesser development
To establish a peaceful and prosperous nation, the unity and solidarity of national brethren are as vital as life itself during this critical time for the nation. It is essential to strive for everlasting durable peace among ethnic nationalities and to work collectively for the nation’s benefit with the unified strength of all ethnic people. Due to the prolonged armed conflicts over many years, countless lives and resources have been lost, and the nation has significantly lagged compared to neighbouring countries. This reality must be recognized. If divisions and conflicts persist among national brethren, further losses and destruction will occur among the ethnic communities. The nation’s development will fall even further behind than it already has.
The main objective is to restore durable peace for the Union. Engaging in political dialogue and advancing a multiparty democratic system are essential steps toward achieving peace in the Union. It is necessary to reduce and eliminate differences in political views, ideologies, ethnic matters, religious beliefs, and racial issues. Everyone must strive to resolve these differences peacefully through democratic methods and parliamentary procedures. When considering peace, political dialogue is not the only approach. Solutions can also be found through democratic means. Only then can political issues be resolved through political methods. (Verse 1)

Cycle of conflicts
It has been over 70 years since armed conflicts began, and fostering peace for Myanmar can only succeed through political means, grounded in a spirit of unity and mutual understanding among national brethren. This requires meeting, discussing, and negotiating to find solutions. Peace demands sincerity. However, if political solutions are merely proclaimed as a facade, while strategies shift opportunistically and actions lack honesty, the journey toward peace will not only remain out of reach but will also perpetuate the cycle of conflict. In such a scenario, ethnic communities will suffer even more, and the nation will continue to decline further.
The government is steadily advancing following the people’s aspirations, and adhering to a genuine and disciplined multiparty democratic system. To strengthen this authentic and disciplined multiparty democracy and to establish a Union based on democratic and federal principles, the government is tirelessly and vigorously carrying out initiatives. These efforts are being made in the interest of the nation and its ethnic peoples. In this regard, preparations are underway to organize free and fair general elections under a multiparty democratic system.
The essential requirement for the nation’s development and the building of a democratic State is the intellectual advancement and rational thinking of all its people. It is being nurtured to enable citizens to safeguard and manage the nation’s interests through their wisdom and knowledge.

Effective initiatives
For regional development, it is essential to collaborate on inclusive and sustainable development centred around the people in sectors such as agriculture, livestock, education, health, communications, and others. Efforts must be made to establish economic frameworks that enable fair and equitable use of natural resources while ensuring their long-term preservation. The government is actively working to advance agriculture and livestock industries to achieve food security. Regional development can only be effectively secured when residents work hand in hand with the government. This collective effort is vital for the progress and prosperity of one’s state, region, and nation.
Foreign instigation, support, ideologies, beliefs, and misunderstandings that distort perceptions should not be allowed to exploit the interests of the Union and its people, leading to terror acts through armed conflicts. If such actions persist, resulting in divisions and destruction among the people of Myanmar, we must realize that it will threaten the future of our regions and our people. To ensure a peaceful, prosperous, and developed Union and region, the spirit and strength of all national brethren living within these areas are crucial. As the strength of the nation lies within, the strength of regions and states also depends on the collective unity and effort of all ethnic citizens residing within them.

Unied strength
The Panglong Agreement, which served as the foundation for Myanmar’s independence, stands as strong evidence of unity and solidarity. It is a result of the collective strength and support of all national brethren working together. The invaluable legacy of unity and solidarity established firmly by our national leaders and forefathers must be preserved and safeguarded without fail. It is the responsibility of all ethnic people in the present era to ensure this. We must continue to build upon the strength of unity among the people to initiate non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty, through the united strength of the entire people.

Union spirit
For the enduring stability and sustainability of the Union, we must prioritize the Our Three Main National Causes and uphold a spirit of patriotism among ethnic communities, a spirit of unity and solidarity among ethnic groups, and a spirit of Union. With these principles, we must protect and safeguard the nation and the people.
We must protect, nurture, and develop valuable human resources to ensure the future generations of the nation do not face destruction. The ethnic people in states and regions must also come together and collaborate in the reconstruction process with correct thinking, ideas, and concepts, working with a spirit of unity so that the entire Union can achieve peace and prosperity, progressing in all aspects. This is a call to action and encouragement to carry out these efforts with the spirit of the Union.


Source: The Global New Light of Myanmar

National Library (Yangon) to host precursor event for Children’s Day

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National Library (Yangon) to host precursor event for Children’s Day

ON 8 February, the National Library (Yangon) in Pabedan Township, Yangon Region, will hold a children’s library activity programme and a photo exhibition in celebration of Children’s Day, which is observed on 13 February.
This event will be jointly organized by the National Library (Yangon) and the National University of Arts and Culture (Yangon), with the attendance of students from basic education schools in Pabedan Township.